Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars occurring furthest back in the top and bottom of your mouth. They are the last teeth to erupt and usually reveal themselves in late adolescence. However, a very small percentage of patients go on to never experience the appearance of wisdom teeth at all!
Being the last teeth to erupt, they can pose a problem with the earlier teeth that have settled in and taken up a lot of the available space. Wisdom teeth can develop too close to the other permanent teeth, or at an odd angle resulting in crowding, infections, discomfort and worse if they are ignored and neglected treatment. They are often only partially erupted out of the gum, which creates a flap under the gum and around the molar which can easily trap food particles and bacteria, leading to infection.
With dental X-rays, our dentists can determine if your wisdom teeth will have room to erupt in a healthy oral environment, or if they will pose potential problems. Problem wisdom teeth can be extracted long before they reach the painful impacted stage, saving you from future pain and far more serious dental issues. Sometimes, it really is better to take preventive measures before a significant problem arises.