"Our goal is to provide you dental care without fear, pain or anxiety. We meet with every patient to review their needs and desires. Together we will decide on the best option for you."
At Dentistry @ Hawkesbury your teeth can be fixed, sore gums restored, and your smile brightened without discomfort while you will sleep through your appointment. Have years of dental treatment in just one appointment. No more hiding your smile behind your hand or putting up with pain.
If you present one or more of the following conditions, dental anesthesia can help you:
Nearly half of people with dental problems avoid dental care because of their fears and anxiety. Modern, safe anesthesia techniques allow the fearful patient to have dental procedures accomplished without the anxiety associated with dentistry.
Many people perceive pain differently than others. Some experience the inability to get numb. With general anesthesia and sedation techniques, these patients will have the perception of pain altered and will be virtually pain free during the treatment.
Some patients will gag before the smallest x-ray film is even placed in their mouth, or before they have a simple impression taken. Using anesthesia services even for the simplest procedures can eliminate the problems caused by gagging.
For sophisticated, and extended procedures such as multiple restorations, extractions, periodontal surgery and root canal therapy, anesthesia services provide increased patient comfort. Completing the treatment under general anesthesia will also minimize the need for multiple visits.
For physically and mentally challenged patients, and for individuals emotionally uncomfortable in the traditional dental office setting, anesthesia services can provide both a way to accomplish complete dental care as well as a more pleasant experience.
Or if you:
Benefits of Anesthesia: